Scientific Publications
Main publications of the group members related to restoration ecology
Ballesteros M., Řehounková K., Šebelíková L., Müllerová A., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2024. Participation of grassland species in various successional series in a temperate European region and implications for habitat management. Global Ecology and Conservation 49: e02761.
Preislerová Z., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K., Štochlová T., Novák P., Pánková H., Přibylová A., Jongepierová I., Tichý L. 2024. Regional seed mixtures as a tool for increasing species richness in the landscape: an example from the Czech Republic. Palearctic Grasslands 60: ISSN 2627-9827 - DOI 10.21570/EDGG.PG.60
Janečková P., Tichý L., Walker L.R. & Prach K. 2024. Global drivers influencing vegetation during succession: Factors and implications. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13297.
Knollová I., Chytrý M., Bruelheide H., Dullinger S., Jandt U., Bernhardt-Römermann M., Biurrun I., Glaser M., Hennekens S., Jansen F., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kadaš D., Kaplan E., Klinkovská K., Lenzner B., Pauli H., Sperandii M. G., Verheyen K., Winkler M., ... & Essl F. 2024. ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13235.
Paolinelli R.B., Branquinho C., Török C., Řehounková K., Nunes A. & Halassy M. 2024.The added value of the long-term ecological research network to upscale restoration in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management 366: 121736.
Řehounková K., Tichý L. & Prach K. 2024. Succession in abandoned fields: Chronosequence data verified by monitoring of semi-permanent plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13303.
Vítovcová K., Vašutová M., Lipárová J., Vrba P. & Prach K. 2024. Successional pathways and trophic specialisation of different groups of organisms in formerly extracted raised bogs – Restoration and conservation perspectives. Biological Conservation 296: 110649.
Ballesteros M., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2023. Community specialisation in vegetation succession on central European disturbed sites. Journal of Vegetation Science 34: e13198.
McDonald T., Chazdon R., Prach P., Tucker N., Venkataraman R., Graham L., Rinaudo T., Shono K., Polster D., & Cook D. 2023. Using Degree of Natural Regeneration Potential to Guide Selection of Plant Community Restoration Approaches at a Restoration Site. In: Florentine S., Gibson-Roy P., Dixon K.W.,
Broadhurst L. (Eds.) Ecological Restoration - Moving Forward Using Lessons Learned. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Mudrák O., Jongepierová I., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2023. Large-scale restoration of species-rich dry grasslands on arable land: Environmental filtering drives successful species establishment over a period of 10 years. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1893-1903.
Pospíšilová P., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2023. Importance of repeated sampling: vegetation analyses after 10 years revealed different restoration trends in formerly extracted peatlands. Restoration Ecology 31: e13720.
Prach K. 2023. Tertiary succession—do we really need the new term? Response to Rapson (2023). Restoration Ecology 31: e13892.
Řehounková K., Ballesteros M., Alday J.G., Nunes A., Tischew S., Kirmer A. & Prach, K. 2023. A comment on “International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites”—useful but limited. Restoration Ecology 31: e13872.
Vašutová M., Vítovcová K., Manukjanová A. & Prach K. 2023. Fungal troublemakers – using indicator species with ephemeral fruitbodies to evaluate recovery of formerly extracted raised bogs. Ecological Indicators 154: 110574.
Müllerová A., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2022. Succession of aquatic and littoral vegetation in disused sandpits. Land Degradation & Development 33: 257-268.
Vítovcová K., Lipárová J., Manukjanová A., Vašutová M., Vrba P. & Prach K. 2022. Biodiversity restoration of formerly extracted raised bogs: vegetation succession and recovery of other trophic groups. Wetlands Ecology and Management 30: 207-237.
Ballesteros M., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K., Müllerová A., Janečková P., Pospíšilová P. & Prach K. 2021. Alien species in vegetation succession: participation, temporal trends and determining factors in various central European series. Biological Invasions 23: 3435-3445.
Janečková P., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K., Šebelíková L. & Prach K. 2021. Spontaneous succession on road verges – an effective approach with minimum effort. Land Degradation & Development 32: 2726-2734.
Mudrák O., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K., Tichý L. & Prach K. 2021. Ability of plant species to colonize human-disturbed habitats: Role of phylogeny and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12528.
Prach K., Fajmon K., Řehounková K. & Jongepierová I. 2021. Hierarchy of environmental factors driving restoration of dry grasslands: A multi-site analysis. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12576.
Prach K., Ujhazy K., Knopp V. & Fanta J. 2021. Two centuries of forest succession, and 30 years of vegetation changes in permanent plots in an inland sand dune area, The Netherlands. PLOS ONE 16: e0250003.
Prach K., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K. & Královec J. 2021. Three decades of vegetation changes in a submontane grassland after the cessation of intensive fertilization. Preslia 93: 169-179.
Řehounková K., Jongepierová I., Šebelíková L., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2021. Topsoil removal in degraded open sandy grasslands: Can we restore threatened vegetation fast? Restoration Ecology 29: e13188.
Vítovcová K., Tichý L., Řehounková K. & Prach K.. 2021. Which landscape and abiotic site factors influence vegetation succession across seres at a country scale? Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12950.
Müllerová A., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2020. What is a reasonable plot size for sampling aquatic vegetation? Aquatic Sciences 82: 68.
Prach K., Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & del Moral R. 2020. Possibilities and limitations of passive restoration of heavily disturbed sites. Landscape Research 45: 247-253.
Prach K. & Walker L.R. 2020. Comparative plant succession among terrestrial biomes of the World. Cambridge University Press, pp. 399.
Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2020. Threatened vascular plant species in spontaneously revegetated post‐mining sites. Restoration Ecology 28: 679-686.
Salgueiro P.A., Prach K., Branquinho C. & Mira A. 2020. Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarry restoration - Challenges, strategies and practice. Restoration Ecology 28: 655-660.
Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2020. Vegetation development of forestry reclaimed sand and sand‐gravel pits: is it on a way towards more natural species composition? Restoration Ecology 28: 979-987.
Tichý L., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2020. Central-European vegetation types and their optima along successional gradient. Preslia 92: 341-352.
Horáčková M., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2019. Relationships between vegetation and seed bank in sand pits: effects of different restoration approaches and successional age. Applied Vegetation Science 22: 282-291.
Prach K., Chenoweth J. & del Moral R. 2019. Spontaneous and assisted restoration of vegetation on the bottom of a former water reservoir, the Elwha River, Olympic National Park, WA, USA. Restoration Ecology 27: 592-599.
Prach K., Durigan G., Fennessy S., Overbeck G.E., Torezan J.M. & Murphy S.D. 2019. A primer on choosing goals and indicators to evaluate ecological restoration success. Restoration Ecology 27: 917-923.
Prach K. & Walker W.R. 2019. Differences between primary and secondary plant succession among biomes of the world. Journal of Ecology 107: 510-516.
Šebelíková L., Csicsek G., Kirmer A., Vítovcová K., Ortmann-Ajkai A., Prach K. & Řehounková K. 2019. Spontaneous revegetation versus forestry reclamation - vegetation development in coal mining spoil heaps across Central Europe. Land Degradation and Development 30: 348-356.
Proceedings from the Conference of the Czech Botanical Society: Ekologie a evoluce rostlin na antropogenních stanovištích střední Evropy konané ve dnech 25.-26.11.2017 v Praze: Lososová Z., Kovář P., Medvecká J., Mudrák O., Pergl J. & Prach K. (eds.) 2018. Flóra a vegetace antropogenních stanovišť.Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 201-392.
Cross A.T., Young R., Nevill P., McDonald T., Prach K., Aronson J., Wardell-Johnson G.W. & Dixon K.W. 2018. Appropriate aspirations for effective post-mining restoration and rehabilitation: a response to Kazmierczak et al. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 256.
Lososová Z., Kovář P., Medvecká J., Mudrák O., Pergl J. & Prach K. (eds.) 2018. Úvod: Flóra a vegetace antropogenních stanovišť. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 201-203.
Mudrák O., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Prach K. 2018. Mass effects, clonality, and phenology but not seed traits predict species success in colonizing restored grasslands. Restoration Ecology 26: 489-496.
Müllerová A. 2018. Sukcese vodní a mokřadní vegetace v pískovnách. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 327-344.
Prach K. & Hobbs R.J. 2018. Spontaneous succession versus technical reclamation in the restoration of disturbed sites. In: Murphy S. (ed.) Restoration Ecology´s 25th Anniversary – Our top 25 publications. Wiley, 10.1111/(ISSN)1526-100X.25.
Prach K., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K. & Tichý L. 2018. Co obecného zatím vyplynulo z porovnání sukcesních sérií na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 321-326.
Prach K. & Walker L.R. 2018. Differences between primary and secondary succession among biomes of the world. Journal of Ecology,
Rotternborn J., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2018. Interannual dynamics of a rare vegetation on emerged river gravels with special attention to the critically endangered species Corrigiola litoralis L. Folia Geobotanica 53: 213-225.
Řehounková K., Lencová K. & Prach K. 2018. Spontaneous establishment of woodland during succession in variety of central European disturbed sites. Ecological Engineering 111: 94-99.
Prach K. 2017. Ekologická obnova v krajinném měřítku. In: Fanta J., Macková J., Petřík P. (eds.) Krajina a lidé, pp. 94-98. Academia, Praha.
Prach K., Tichý L., Vítovcová K. & Řehounková K. 2017. Participation of the Czech flora in succession at disturbed sites: quantifying a species' colonization ability. Preslia 89: 87-100.
Prach K., Török P. & Bakker J.D. 2017. Temperate grasslands. In: Allison S.K. and Murphy S.D. (eds.) Routledge handbook of ecological and environmental restoration, pp.126-141. Routledge London and New York.
Special issue of the Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal which emerged from the 9th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (3. - 8. August 2014 in Oulu, Finland). Topic: How can we restore the biodiversity and ecosystem services in mining and industrial sites?
Horáčková M., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2016. Are seed and dispersal characteristics of plants capable of predicting colonization of post-mining sites? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13917-13625.
Prach K., Tichý L., Lencová K., Adámek M., Koutecký T., Sádlo J., Bartošová A., Novák J., Kovář P., Jírová A., Šmilauer P. & Řehounková K. 2016. Does succession run towards potential natural vegetation? An analysis across seres. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 515-523.
Prach K. & Tolvanen A. 2016. How can we restore the biodiversity and ecosystem services in mining and industrial sites? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13587-13590.
Řehounková K., Čížek L., Řehounek J., Šebelíková L., Tropek R., Lencová K., Bogusch P., Marhoul P. & Máca J. 2016. Additional disturbances as a beneficial tool for restoration of post-mining sites: a multi-taxa approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13745-13753.
Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2016. Spontaneous revegetation vs. forestry reclamation in post-mining sand pits. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13598-13605.
Johanidesová E., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Prach K. 2015. Spontaneous colonization of restored dry grasslands by target species: restoration proceeds beyond sowing regional seed mixtures. Grass and Forage Science 70: 631-638.
Prach K. & del Moral R. 2015. Passive restoration is often quite effective: response to Zahawi et al. (2014). Restoration Ecology 23: 344-346.
Prach K., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Řehounková K. 2015. Landscape context in colonization of restored dry grasslands by target species. Applied Vegetation Science 18: 181-189.
Prach K., Karešová P., Jírová A., Dvořáková H., Konvalinková P. & Řehounková K. 2015. Do not neglect surroundings in restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology 23: 310-314.
Special issue of the Applied Vegetation Science journal which emerged from the 8th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (9. - 14. September 2012 in České Budějovice). Topic: Vegetation Dynamics in Ecological Restoration (content of the issue).
Kabrna M., Hendrychová M. & Prach K. 2014. Establishment of target and invasive plant species on a reclaimed coal mining dump in relation to their occurrence in the surroundings. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 28: 242-249.
Konvalinková P. & Prach K. 2014. Environmental factors determining spontaneous recovery of industrially mined peat bogs: a multi-site analysis. Ecological Engineering 69: 38-45.
Mudrák O., Mládek J., Blažek P., Lepš J., Doležal J., Nekvapilová E. & Těšitel J. 2014. Establishment of hemiparasitic Rhinantus spp. in grassland restoration: lessons learned from sowing experiments. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 274-287.
Prach K., Jírová A. & Doležal J. 2014. Pattern of succession in old-field vegetation at a regional scale. Preslia 86: 119-130.
Prach K., Jongepierová I., Řehounková K. & Fajmon K. 2014. Restoration of grasslands on ex-arable land using regional and commercial seed mixtures and spontaneous succession: Successional trajectories and changes in species richness. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 182: 131-136.
Prach K., Petřík P., Brož Z. & Song J.-S. 2014. Vegetation succession on river sediments along the Nakdong river, South Korea. Folia Geobotanica 49:507-519.
Prach K., Pyšek P. & Řehounková K. 2014. Role of substrate and landscape context in early succession: An experimental approach. Perspectives in Plant Evolution and Systematics 16: 174-179.
Prach K., Řehounková K., Lencová K., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Študent V., Vaněček Z., Tich, L., Petřík P., Šmilauer P. & Pyšek, P. 2014. Vegetation succession in restoration of disturbed sites in Central Europe: the direction of succession and species richness across 19 seres. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 193-200.
Walker L.R., Hölzel N., Marrs R., del Moral R. & Prach K. 2014. Optimization of intervention levels in ecological restoration. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 187-192.
Klimeš L., Hájek M., Mudrák O., Dančák M., Preiselerová Z., Hájková P., Jongepierová I. & Klimešová J. 2013. Effects of changes in management on resistance and resilience in three grassland communities. Applied Vegetation Science 16: 640-649.
Prach K. 2013. Vegetation development in central European coal mining sites. In: Frouz J. (ed.) Soil biota and ecosystem development in post mining sites. CRC Press.
Prach K., Jongepierová I. & Řehounková K. 2013. Large-scale restoration of dry grasslands on ex-arable land using a regional seed mixture: Establishment of target species. Restoration Ecology 21: 33-39.
Prach K., Lencová K., Řehounková K., Dvořáková H., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Novák J. & Trnková R. 2013. Spontaneous vegetation succession at different central European mining sites: a comparison across seres. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20: 7680-7685.
Jírová A., Klaudisová A. & Prach K. 2012. Spontaneous restoration of target vegetation in old-fields in a central European landscape: a repeated analysis after three decades. Appied Vegetation Science 15: 245-252.
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012. Allelopathic effect of Salix caprea L. litter on late successional plants at different substrates of post-mining sites - pot experiment studies. Botany-Botanique 90: 311-318.
Mudrák O., Uteseny K. & Frouz J. 2012. Earthworms drive succession of both plant and Collembola communities in post-mining sites. Applied Soil Ecology 62: 170-177.
Prach K. & Rachlewicz G. 2012. Succession of vascular plants in front of retreating glaciers in central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 33: 319-328.
Roubíčková A., Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012. The effect of belowground herbivory by wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) on performance of Calamagrostis epigejos (L) Roth in post-mining sites. European Journal of Soil Biology 50: 51-55.
Řehounková K., Řehounek J. & Prach K. (eds.) 2012. Near-natural restoration vs. technical reclamation of mining sites in the Czech Republic. Faculty of Science USB, České Budějovice, 111 p.
Frouz J., Hrckova K., Lana J., Kristufek V., Mudrak O., Lukesova A. & Mihaljevic M. 2011. Can laboratory toxicity tests explain the pattern of field communities of algae, plants, and invertebrates along a toxicity gradient of post-mining sites? Applied Soil Ecology 51: 114-121.
Latzel V., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Pyšek P., Tackenberg O. & Prach K. 2011. The association of dispersal and persistence traits of plants with different stages of succession in Central European man-made habitats. Folia Geobotanica 46: 289-302.
Lencová K. & Prach K. 2011. Restoration of hay meadows on ex-arable land: commercial seed mixtures vs. spontaneous succession. Grass and Forage Science 66: 265-271.
Prach K., Řehounková K., Řehounek J. & Konvalinková P. 2011. Ecological restoration of central European mining sites: a summary of a multi-site analysis. Landscape Research 36: 263-268.
Prach K. & Walker L. R. 2011. Four opportunities for studies of ecological succession. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 119-123.
Ujházy K., Fanta J. & Prach K. 2011. Two centuries of vegetation succession in an inland sand dune area, central Netherlands. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 316-325.
Konvalinková P.& Prach K. 2010. Spontaneous succession of vegetation in mined peatlands: a multi-site study. Preslia 82: 423-435.
Mudrák O., Frouz J. & Velichová V. 2010. Understory vegetation in reclaimed and unreclaimed post-mining forest stands. Ecological Engineering 36: 783–790.
Novák J. & Prach K. 2010. Artificial sowing of endangered dry grassland species into disused basalt quarries. Flora 205: 179-183.
Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2010. Life-history traits and habitat preferences of colonizing plant species in long-term spontaneous succession in abandoned gravel-sand pits. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 45-53.
Trnková R., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2010. Spontaneous succession of vegetation on acidic bedrock in quarries in the Czech Republic. Preslia 82: 333-343.
Bastl M., Štechová T. & Prach K. 2009. Effect of disturbance on the vegetation of peat bogs with Pinus rotundata in the Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic. Preslia 81: 105-117.
Královec J., Pocová L., Jonášová M., Macek P. & Prach K. 2009. Spontaneous recovery of an intensively used grassland after cessation of fertilizing. Applied Vegetation Science 12: 391-397.
Novák J. & Prach K. 2009. Artificial sowing of endangered dry grassland species into disused basalt quarries. Flora 205: 179-183.
Roubíčková A., Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2009. Effect of earthworm on growth of late succession plant species in postmining sites under laboratory and field conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 45: 769–774.
Szabó R. & Prach K. 2009. Old-field succession related to soil nitrogen and moisture, and importance of plant species traits. Community Ecology 10: 65-73.
Frouz J., Prach K., Pižl V., Háněl L., Starý J., Tajovský K., Materna J., Balík V., Kalčík J. & Řehounková K. 2008. Interactions between soil development, vegetation and soil fauna during spontaneous succession in post mining sites. European Journal of Soil Biology 44: 109-122.
Horn P. & Bastl M. 2008. Mire vegetation gradient established as a result of interaction with a water reservoir. Botany 86: 1205-1216.
Jonášová M. & Prach K. 2008. The influence of bark-beetle outbreak vs. salvage logging on ground layer vegetation in Central European mountain spruce forests. Biological Conservation 141: 1525-1535.
Kučerová A., Rektoris L., Štechová T. & Bastl M. 2008. Disturbances on a wooded raised bog - how windthrow, bark beetle and fire affect vegetation and soil water quality? Folia Geobotanica 43: 49-67.
Prach K. 2008. Ecological restoration: Principles, values, and structure of an emerging profession. Restoration Ecology 16: 730-730.
Prach K. 2008. Vegetation changes in a wet meadow complex during the past half century. Folia Geobotanica 43: 119-130.
Prach K., Bastl M., Konvalinková P., Kovář P., Novák J., Pyšek P., Řehounková K. & Sádlo J. 2008. Sukcese vegetace na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice – přehled dominantních druhů a stadií. Příroda 26: 5-26.
Prach K. & Hobbs R. J. 2008. Spontaneous succession versus technical reclamation in the restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology 16: 363-366.
Prach K., Řehounková K., Trnková R., Karešová P., Dvořáková H. & Novák J. 2008. How does surrounding vegetation influence succession in disturbed sites? Consequences for restoration. – In: Decleer K. (ed.), 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 8-12 Sept. 2008, Ghent, Belgium. Extended Abstracts, pp. 4, INBO and SER. (electronic publishing)
Prach K., Řehounková K., Konvalinková P. & Trnková R. 2008. Invaze a sukcese. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Praha, 43, Materiály 23: 41-49.
Pyšek P., Chytrý M. & Prach K. 2008. Dvanáct let výzkumu rostlinných invazí v České republice a ve světě. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Praha, 43, Materiály 23: 3-15.
Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2008. Spontaneous vegetation succession in gravel-sand pits: a potential for restoration. Restoration Ecology 16: 305-312.
Prach K., Lepš J. & Rejmánek M. 2007. Old field succession in central Europe: local and regional patterns. In: Cramer V. A. and Hobbs R. J. (eds.) Old fields: Dynamics and restoration of abandoned farmland,pp. 180-202. Island Press.
Prach K., Marrs R., Pyšek P. & van Diggelen R. 2007. Manipulation of succession. In: Walker L. R., Walker J. and Hobbs R. J. (eds.) Linking restoration and succession in theory and in practice, pp. 121-149. Springer.
Prach K., Pyšek, P. & Jarošík, V. 2007. Climate and pH as determinants of vegetation succession in Central-European human-made habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 701-710.
Jonášová M., van Hees A. & Prach K. 2006. Rehabilitation of monotonous exotic coniferous plantations: A case study of spontaneous establishment of different tree species. Ecological Engineering 28: 141-148.
Konvalinková P. 2006. Spontánní sukcese vegetace na těžených rašeliništích: možná cesta obnovy? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 135-140.
Novák J. 2006. Variabilita sukcesních změn vegetace v čedičových lomech Českého středohoří. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 105-110.
Prach K. 2006. Ekologie obnovy jako mladý obor a uplatnění botaniky v něm. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 13-22.
Prach K. et al. (eds.) 2006. Botanika a ekologie obnovy. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 1-215.
Prach K. & Řehounková K. 2006. Vegetation succession over broad geographical scales: which factors determine the patterns? Preslia 78: 469-480.
Řehounková K. 2006. Spontánní sukcese vegetace ve štěrkopískovnách:možnost pro ekologickou obnovu. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 125-133.
Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2006. Spontaneous vegetation succession in disused gravel-sand pits: role of local site and landscape factors. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 583-590.
Davis M. A., Pergl J., Truscott A. M., Kollmann J., Bakker J. P., Domenech R., Prach K., Prieur-Richard A. H., Veeneklaas R. M., Pyšek P., del Moral R., Hobbs R. J., Collins S. L., Pickett S. T. A., & Reich P. B. 2005. Vegetation Change: A Reunifying Concept in Plant Ecology. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 7: 69-76.
Koutecký P. & Prach K. 2005. Recovery of alluvial meadows after an extreme summer flood: a case study. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 5: 33-39.
Jonášová M. & Prach K. 2004. Central-European mountain spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) forest: regeneration of tree species after a bark beetle outbreak. Ecological Engineering 23: 15-27.
Prach K. 2004. Preface: Studies on ecological succession contribute to ecological theory and provide a basis for ecological restoration. In: Kovář P. (ed.), Natural recovery of human-made deposits in landscape (biotic interactions and ore/ash-slag artificial ecosystems), pp. 11-13. Academia, Praha. (vyšlo poč. r. 2005)
Prach K. 2004. Using spontaneous vegetation succession in restoration of limestone quarries in the Bohemian Karst. In: Annonymus (eds.): Limestone quarring and sustainable development, Proceedings from the workshop, Beroun, April 15-18, 2003, pp. 23-26. Správa CHKO Český kras.
Child L. E., Brock J. H., Brundu G., Prach K., Pyšek P., Wade P. M. & Williamson M. (eds.) 2003. Plant invasions: Ecological threats and management solution, Backhuis Publ., Leiden.
Hodačová D. & Prach K. 2003. Spoil heaps from brown coal mining: technical reclamation vs. spontaneous re-vegetation. Restoration Ecology 11: 385-391.
Matějková I., van Diggelen R. & Prach K. 2003. An attempt to restore a Czech species-rich mountain grassland through grazing. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 161-168.
Novák J. & Prach K. 2003. Vegetation succession in basalt quarries: pattern over a landscape scale. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 111-116.
Prach K. 2003. Spontaneous vegetation succession in central European man-made habitats: what information can be used in restoration practice? Applied Vegetation Science 6:125-129.
Prach K., Bartha S., Joyce CH. B., Pyšek P., van Diggelen R. & Wiegleb G. 2001. The role of spontaneous vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration: A perspective. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 111-114.
Prach K. & Pyšek P. 2001. Using spontaneous succession for restoration of human-disturbed habitats: Experience from Central Europe. Ecological Engineering 17: 55-62.
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