Scientific Publications

Main publications of the group members related to restoration ecology


  • Ballesteros M., Řehounková K., Šebelíková L., Müllerová A., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2024. Participation of grassland species in various successional series in a temperate European region and implications for habitat management. Global Ecology and Conservation 49: e02761.

  • Preislerová Z., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K., Štochlová T., Novák P., Pánková H., Přibylová A., Jongepierová I., Tichý L. 2024. Regional seed mixtures as a tool for increasing species richness in the landscape: an example from the Czech Republic. Palearctic Grasslands 60: ISSN 2627-9827 - DOI 10.21570/EDGG.PG.60

  • Janečková P., Tichý L., Walker L.R. & Prach K. 2024. Global drivers influencing vegetation during succession: Factors and implications. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13297.

  • Knollová I., Chytrý M., Bruelheide H., Dullinger S., Jandt U., Bernhardt-Römermann M., Biurrun I., Glaser M., Hennekens S., Jansen F., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kadaš D., Kaplan E., Klinkovská K., Lenzner B., Pauli H., Sperandii M. G., Verheyen K., Winkler M., ... & Essl F. 2024. ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13235. 

  • Paolinelli R.B., Branquinho C., Török C., Řehounková K., Nunes A. & Halassy M. 2024.The added value of the long-term ecological research network to upscale restoration in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management 366: 121736.

  • Řehounková K., Tichý L. & Prach K. 2024. Succession in abandoned fields: Chronosequence data verified by monitoring of semi-permanent plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13303. 

  • Vítovcová K., Vašutová M., Lipárová J., Vrba P. & Prach K. 2024. Successional pathways and trophic specialisation of different groups of organisms in formerly extracted raised bogs – Restoration and conservation perspectives. Biological Conservation 296: 110649.


  • Ballesteros M., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2023. Community specialisation in vegetation succession on central European disturbed sites. Journal of Vegetation Science 34: e13198. 

  • McDonald T., Chazdon R., Prach P., Tucker N., Venkataraman R., Graham L., Rinaudo T., Shono K., Polster D., & Cook D. 2023. Using Degree of Natural Regeneration Potential to Guide Selection of Plant Community Restoration Approaches at a Restoration Site. In: Florentine S., Gibson-Roy P., Dixon K.W., 
    Broadhurst L. (Eds.) Ecological Restoration - Moving Forward Using Lessons Learned. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

  • Mudrák O., Jongepierová I., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2023. Large-scale restoration of species-rich dry grasslands on arable land: Environmental filtering drives successful species establishment over a period of 10 years. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1893-1903.

  • Pospíšilová P., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2023. Importance of repeated sampling: vegetation analyses after 10 years revealed different restoration trends in formerly extracted peatlands. Restoration Ecology 31: e13720.

  • Prach K. 2023. Tertiary succession—do we really need the new term? Response to Rapson (2023). Restoration Ecology 31: e13892.

  • Řehounková K., Ballesteros M., Alday J.G., Nunes A., Tischew S., Kirmer A. & Prach, K. 2023. A comment on “International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites”—useful but limited. Restoration Ecology 31: e13872. 

  • Vašutová M., Vítovcová K., Manukjanová A. & Prach K. 2023. Fungal troublemakers – using indicator species with ephemeral fruitbodies to evaluate recovery of formerly extracted raised bogs. Ecological Indicators 154: 110574. 


  • Müllerová A., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2022. Succession of aquatic and littoral vegetation in disused sandpits. Land Degradation & Development 33: 257-268.

  • Vítovcová K., Lipárová J., Manukjanová A., Vašutová M., Vrba P. & Prach K. 2022. Biodiversity restoration of formerly extracted raised bogs: vegetation succession and recovery of other trophic groups. Wetlands Ecology and Management 30: 207-237.


  • Ballesteros M., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K., Müllerová A., Janečková P., Pospíšilová P. & Prach K. 2021. Alien species in vegetation succession: participation, temporal trends and determining factors in various central European series. Biological Invasions 23: 3435-3445.

  • Janečková P., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K., Šebelíková L. & Prach K. 2021. Spontaneous succession on road verges – an effective approach with minimum effort. Land Degradation & Development 32: 2726-2734.

  • Mudrák O., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K., Tichý L. & Prach K. 2021. Ability of plant species to colonize human-disturbed habitats: Role of phylogeny and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12528.

  • Prach K., Fajmon K., Řehounková K. & Jongepierová I. 2021. Hierarchy of environmental factors driving restoration of dry grasslands: A multi-site analysis. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12576.

  • Prach K., Ujhazy K., Knopp V. & Fanta J. 2021. Two centuries of forest succession, and 30 years of vegetation changes in permanent plots in an inland sand dune area, The Netherlands. PLOS ONE 16: e0250003.

  • Prach K., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K. & Královec J. 2021. Three decades of vegetation changes in a submontane grassland after the cessation of intensive fertilization. Preslia 93: 169-179.

  • Řehounková K., Jongepierová I., Šebelíková L., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2021. Topsoil removal in degraded open sandy grasslands: Can we restore threatened vegetation fast? Restoration Ecology 29: e13188.

  • Vítovcová K., Tichý L., Řehounková K. & Prach K.. 2021. Which landscape and abiotic site factors influence vegetation succession across seres at a country scale? Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12950.


  • Müllerová A., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2020. What is a reasonable plot size for sampling aquatic vegetation? Aquatic Sciences 82: 68.

  • Prach K., Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & del Moral R. 2020. Possibilities and limitations of passive restoration of heavily disturbed sites. Landscape Research 45: 247-253.

  • Prach K. & Walker L.R. 2020. Comparative plant succession among terrestrial biomes of the World. Cambridge University Press, pp. 399.

  • Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2020. Threatened vascular plant species in spontaneously revegetated post‐mining sites. Restoration Ecology 28: 679-686.

  • Salgueiro P.A., Prach K., Branquinho C. & Mira A. 2020. Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarry restoration - Challenges, strategies and practice. Restoration Ecology 28: 655-660.

  • Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2020. Vegetation development of forestry reclaimed sand and sand‐gravel pits: is it on a way towards more natural species composition? Restoration Ecology 28: 979-987.

  • Tichý L., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2020. Central-European vegetation types and their optima along successional gradient. Preslia 92: 341-352.


  • Horáčková M., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2019. Relationships between vegetation and seed bank in sand pits: effects of different restoration approaches and successional age. Applied Vegetation Science 22: 282-291.

  • Prach K., Chenoweth J. & del Moral R. 2019. Spontaneous and assisted restoration of vegetation on the bottom of a former water reservoir, the Elwha River, Olympic National Park, WA, USA. Restoration Ecology 27: 592-599.

  • Prach K., Durigan G., Fennessy S., Overbeck G.E., Torezan J.M. & Murphy S.D. 2019. A primer on choosing goals and indicators to evaluate ecological restoration success. Restoration Ecology 27: 917-923.

  • Prach K. & Walker W.R. 2019. Differences between primary and secondary plant succession among biomes of the world. Journal of Ecology 107: 510-516.

  • Šebelíková L., Csicsek G., Kirmer A., Vítovcová K., Ortmann-Ajkai A., Prach K. & Řehounková K. 2019. Spontaneous revegetation versus forestry reclamation - vegetation development in coal mining spoil heaps across Central Europe. Land Degradation and Development 30: 348-356.


  • Proceedings from the Conference of the Czech Botanical Society: Ekologie a evoluce rostlin na antropogenních stanovištích střední Evropy konané ve dnech 25.-26.11.2017 v Praze: Lososová Z., Kovář P., Medvecká J., Mudrák O., Pergl J. & Prach K. (eds.) 2018. Flóra a vegetace antropogenních stanovišť.Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 201-392.

  • Cross A.T., Young R., Nevill P., McDonald T., Prach K., Aronson J., Wardell-Johnson G.W. & Dixon K.W. 2018. Appropriate aspirations for effective post-mining restoration and rehabilitation: a response to Kazmierczak et al. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 256.

  • Lososová Z., Kovář P., Medvecká J., Mudrák O., Pergl J. & Prach K. (eds.) 2018. Úvod: Flóra a vegetace antropogenních stanovišť. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 201-203.

  • Mudrák O., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Prach K. 2018. Mass effects, clonality, and phenology but not seed traits predict species success in colonizing restored grasslands. Restoration Ecology 26: 489-496.

  • Müllerová A. 2018. Sukcese vodní a mokřadní vegetace v pískovnách. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 327-344.

  • Prach K. & Hobbs R.J. 2018. Spontaneous succession versus technical reclamation in the restoration of disturbed sites. In: Murphy S. (ed.) Restoration Ecology´s 25th Anniversary – Our top 25 publications. Wiley, 10.1111/(ISSN)1526-100X.25.

  • Prach K., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K. & Tichý L. 2018. Co obecného zatím vyplynulo z porovnání sukcesních sérií na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 321-326.

  • Prach K. & Walker L.R. 2018. Differences between primary and secondary succession among biomes of the world. Journal of Ecology,

  • Rotternborn J., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2018. Interannual dynamics of a rare vegetation on emerged river gravels with special attention to the critically endangered species Corrigiola litoralis L. Folia Geobotanica 53: 213-225.

  • Řehounková K., Lencová K. & Prach K. 2018. Spontaneous establishment of woodland during succession in variety of central European disturbed sites. Ecological Engineering 111: 94-99.


  • Prach K. 2017. Ekologická obnova v krajinném měřítku. In: Fanta J., Macková J., Petřík P. (eds.) Krajina a lidé, pp. 94-98. Academia, Praha.

  • Prach K., Tichý L., Vítovcová K. & Řehounková K. 2017. Participation of the Czech flora in succession at disturbed sites: quantifying a species' colonization ability. Preslia 89: 87-100.

  • Prach K., Török P. & Bakker J.D. 2017. Temperate grasslands. In: Allison S.K. and Murphy S.D. (eds.) Routledge handbook of ecological and environmental restoration, pp.126-141. Routledge London and New York.


  • Special issue of the Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal which emerged from the 9th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (3. - 8. August 2014 in Oulu, Finland). Topic: How can we restore the biodiversity and ecosystem services in mining and industrial sites?

  • Horáčková M., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2016. Are seed and dispersal characteristics of plants capable of predicting colonization of post-mining sites? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13917-13625.

  • Prach K., Tichý L., Lencová K., Adámek M., Koutecký T., Sádlo J., Bartošová A., Novák J., Kovář P., Jírová A., Šmilauer P. & Řehounková K. 2016. Does succession run towards potential natural vegetation? An analysis across seres. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 515-523.

  • Prach K. & Tolvanen A. 2016. How can we restore the biodiversity and ecosystem services in mining and industrial sites? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13587-13590.

  • Řehounková K., Čížek L., Řehounek J., Šebelíková L., Tropek R., Lencová K., Bogusch P., Marhoul P. & Máca J. 2016. Additional disturbances as a beneficial tool for restoration of post-mining sites: a multi-taxa approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13745-13753.

  • Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2016. Spontaneous revegetation vs. forestry reclamation in post-mining sand pits. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13598-13605.


  • Johanidesová E., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Prach K. 2015. Spontaneous colonization of restored dry grasslands by target species: restoration proceeds beyond sowing regional seed mixtures. Grass and Forage Science 70: 631-638.

  • Prach K. & del Moral R. 2015. Passive restoration is often quite effective: response to Zahawi et al. (2014). Restoration Ecology 23: 344-346.

  • Prach K., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Řehounková K. 2015. Landscape context in colonization of restored dry grasslands by target species. Applied Vegetation Science 18: 181-189.

  • Prach K., Karešová P., Jírová A., Dvořáková H., Konvalinková P. & Řehounková K. 2015. Do not neglect surroundings in restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology 23: 310-314.


  • Special issue of the Applied Vegetation Science journal which emerged from the 8th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (9. - 14. September 2012 in České Budějovice). Topic: Vegetation Dynamics in Ecological Restoration (content of the issue).

  • Kabrna M., Hendrychová M. & Prach K. 2014. Establishment of target and invasive plant species on a reclaimed coal mining dump in relation to their occurrence in the surroundings. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 28: 242-249.

  • Konvalinková P. & Prach K. 2014. Environmental factors determining spontaneous recovery of industrially mined peat bogs: a multi-site analysis. Ecological Engineering 69: 38-45.

  • Mudrák O., Mládek J., Blažek P., Lepš J., Doležal J., Nekvapilová E. & Těšitel J. 2014. Establishment of hemiparasitic Rhinantus spp. in grassland restoration: lessons learned from sowing experiments. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 274-287.

  • Prach K., Jírová A. & Doležal J. 2014. Pattern of succession in old-field vegetation at a regional scale. Preslia 86: 119-130.

  • Prach K., Jongepierová I., Řehounková K. & Fajmon K. 2014. Restoration of grasslands on ex-arable land using regional and commercial seed mixtures and spontaneous succession: Successional trajectories and changes in species richness. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 182: 131-136.

  • Prach K., Petřík P., Brož Z. & Song J.-S. 2014. Vegetation succession on river sediments along the Nakdong river, South Korea. Folia Geobotanica 49:507-519.

  • Prach K., Pyšek P. & Řehounková K. 2014. Role of substrate and landscape context in early succession: An experimental approach. Perspectives in Plant Evolution and Systematics 16: 174-179.

  • Prach K., Řehounková K., Lencová K., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Študent V., Vaněček Z., Tich, L., Petřík P., Šmilauer P. & Pyšek, P. 2014. Vegetation succession in restoration of disturbed sites in Central Europe: the direction of succession and species richness across 19 seres. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 193-200.

  • Walker L.R., Hölzel N., Marrs R., del Moral R. & Prach K. 2014. Optimization of intervention levels in ecological restoration. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 187-192.


  • Klimeš L., Hájek M., Mudrák O., Dančák M., Preiselerová Z., Hájková P., Jongepierová I. & Klimešová J. 2013. Effects of changes in management on resistance and resilience in three grassland communities. Applied Vegetation Science 16: 640-649.

  • Prach K. 2013. Vegetation development in central European coal mining sites. In: Frouz J. (ed.) Soil biota and ecosystem development in post mining sites. CRC Press.

  • Prach K., Jongepierová I. & Řehounková K. 2013. Large-scale restoration of dry grasslands on ex-arable land using a regional seed mixture: Establishment of target species. Restoration Ecology  21: 33-39.

  • Prach K., Lencová K., Řehounková K., Dvořáková H., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Novák J. & Trnková R. 2013. Spontaneous vegetation succession at different central European mining sites: a comparison across seres. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20: 7680-7685.


  • Jírová A., Klaudisová A. & Prach K. 2012. Spontaneous restoration of target vegetation in old-fields in a central European landscape: a repeated analysis after three decades. Appied Vegetation Science 15: 245-252.

  • Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012. Allelopathic effect of Salix caprea L. litter on late successional plants at different substrates of post-mining sites - pot experiment studies. Botany-Botanique 90: 311-318.

  • Mudrák O., Uteseny K. & Frouz J. 2012. Earthworms drive succession of both plant and Collembola communities in post-mining sites. Applied Soil Ecology 62: 170-177.

  • Prach K. & Rachlewicz G. 2012. Succession of vascular plants in front of retreating glaciers in central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 33: 319-328.

  • Roubíčková A., Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012. The effect of belowground herbivory by wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) on performance of Calamagrostis epigejos (L) Roth in post-mining sites. European Journal of Soil Biology 50: 51-55.

  • Řehounková K., Řehounek J. & Prach K. (eds.) 2012. Near-natural restoration vs. technical reclamation of mining sites in the Czech Republic. Faculty of Science USB, České Budějovice, 111 p.


  • Frouz J., Hrckova K., Lana J., Kristufek V., Mudrak O., Lukesova A. & Mihaljevic M. 2011. Can laboratory toxicity tests explain the pattern of field communities of algae, plants, and invertebrates along a toxicity gradient of post-mining sites? Applied Soil Ecology 51: 114-121. 

  • Latzel V., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Pyšek P., Tackenberg O. & Prach K. 2011. The association of dispersal and persistence traits of plants with different stages of succession in Central European man-made habitats. Folia Geobotanica 46: 289-302. 

  • Lencová K. & Prach K. 2011. Restoration of hay meadows on ex-arable land: commercial seed mixtures vs. spontaneous succession. Grass and Forage Science 66: 265-271. 

  • Prach K., Řehounková K., Řehounek J. & Konvalinková P. 2011. Ecological restoration of central European mining sites: a summary of a multi-site analysis. Landscape Research 36: 263-268.

  • Prach K. & Walker L. R. 2011. Four opportunities for studies of ecological succession. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 119-123.

  • Ujházy K., Fanta J. & Prach K. 2011. Two centuries of vegetation succession in an inland sand dune area, central Netherlands. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 316-325. 


  • Konvalinková P.& Prach K. 2010. Spontaneous succession of vegetation in mined peatlands: a multi-site study. Preslia 82: 423-435.

  • Mudrák O., Frouz J. & Velichová V. 2010. Understory vegetation in reclaimed and unreclaimed post-mining forest stands. Ecological Engineering 36: 783–790.

  • Novák J. & Prach K. 2010. Artificial sowing of endangered dry grassland species into disused basalt quarries. Flora 205: 179-183.

  • Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2010. Life-history traits and habitat preferences of colonizing plant species in long-term spontaneous succession in abandoned gravel-sand pits. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 45-53.

  • Trnková R., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2010. Spontaneous succession of vegetation on acidic bedrock in quarries in the Czech Republic. Preslia 82: 333-343.


  • Bastl M., Štechová T. & Prach K. 2009. Effect of disturbance on the vegetation of peat bogs with Pinus rotundata in the Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic. Preslia 81: 105-117.

  • Královec J., Pocová L., Jonášová M., Macek P. & Prach K. 2009. Spontaneous recovery of an intensively used grassland after cessation of fertilizing. Applied Vegetation Science 12: 391-397.

  • Novák J. & Prach K. 2009. Artificial sowing of endangered dry grassland species into disused basalt quarries. Flora 205: 179-183.

  • Roubíčková A., Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2009. Effect of earthworm on growth of late succession plant species in postmining sites under laboratory and field conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 45: 769–774.

  • Szabó R. & Prach K. 2009. Old-field succession related to soil nitrogen and moisture, and importance of plant species traits. Community Ecology 10: 65-73.


  • Frouz J., Prach K., Pižl V., Háněl L., Starý J., Tajovský K., Materna J., Balík V., Kalčík J. & Řehounková K. 2008. Interactions between soil development, vegetation and soil fauna during spontaneous succession in post mining sites. European Journal of Soil Biology 44: 109-122.

  • Horn P. & Bastl M. 2008. Mire vegetation gradient established as a result of interaction with a water reservoir. Botany 86: 1205-1216.

  • Jonášová M. & Prach K. 2008. The influence of bark-beetle outbreak vs. salvage logging on ground layer vegetation in Central European mountain spruce forests. Biological Conservation 141: 1525-1535.

  • Kučerová A., Rektoris L., Štechová T. & Bastl M. 2008. Disturbances on a wooded raised bog - how windthrow, bark beetle and fire affect vegetation and soil water quality? Folia Geobotanica 43: 49-67.

  • Prach K. 2008. Ecological restoration: Principles, values, and structure of an emerging profession. Restoration Ecology 16: 730-730.

  • Prach K. 2008. Vegetation changes in a wet meadow complex during the past half century. Folia Geobotanica 43: 119-130.

  • Prach K., Bastl M., Konvalinková P., Kovář P., Novák J., Pyšek P., Řehounková K. & Sádlo J. 2008. Sukcese vegetace na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice – přehled dominantních druhů a stadií. Příroda 26: 5-26.

  • Prach K. & Hobbs R. J. 2008. Spontaneous succession versus technical reclamation in the restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology 16: 363-366.

  • Prach K., Řehounková K., Trnková R., Karešová P., Dvořáková H. & Novák J. 2008. How does surrounding vegetation influence succession in disturbed sites? Consequences for restoration. – In: Decleer K. (ed.), 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 8-12 Sept. 2008, Ghent, Belgium. Extended Abstracts, pp. 4, INBO and SER. (electronic publishing)

  • Prach K., Řehounková K., Konvalinková P. & Trnková R. 2008. Invaze a sukcese. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Praha, 43, Materiály 23: 41-49.

  • Pyšek P., Chytrý M. & Prach K. 2008. Dvanáct let výzkumu rostlinných invazí v České republice a ve světě. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Praha, 43, Materiály 23: 3-15.

  • Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2008. Spontaneous vegetation succession in gravel-sand pits: a potential for restoration. Restoration Ecology 16: 305-312.


  • Prach K., Lepš J. & Rejmánek M. 2007. Old field succession in central Europe: local and regional patterns. In: Cramer V. A. and Hobbs R. J. (eds.) Old fields: Dynamics and restoration of abandoned  farmland,pp. 180-202. Island Press.

  • Prach K., Marrs R., Pyšek P. & van Diggelen R. 2007. Manipulation of succession. In: Walker L. R., Walker J. and Hobbs R. J. (eds.) Linking restoration and succession in theory and in practice, pp. 121-149. Springer.

  • Prach K., Pyšek, P. & Jarošík, V. 2007. Climate and pH as determinants of vegetation succession in Central-European human-made habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 701-710.


  • Jonášová M., van Hees A. & Prach K. 2006. Rehabilitation of monotonous exotic coniferous plantations: A case study of spontaneous establishment of different tree species. Ecological  Engineering 28: 141-148.

  • Konvalinková P. 2006. Spontánní sukcese vegetace na těžených rašeliništích: možná cesta obnovy? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 135-140.

  • Novák J. 2006. Variabilita sukcesních změn vegetace v čedičových lomech Českého středohoří. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 105-110.

  • Prach K. 2006. Ekologie obnovy jako mladý obor a uplatnění botaniky v něm. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 13-22.

  • Prach K. et al. (eds.) 2006. Botanika a ekologie obnovy. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 1-215.

  • Prach K. & Řehounková K. 2006. Vegetation succession over broad geographical scales: which factors determine the patterns? Preslia 78: 469-480.

  • Řehounková K. 2006. Spontánní sukcese vegetace ve štěrkopískovnách:možnost pro ekologickou obnovu. Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, Materiály 21: 125-133.

  • Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2006. Spontaneous vegetation succession in disused gravel-sand pits: role of local site and landscape factors. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 583-590.


  • Davis M. A., Pergl J., Truscott A. M., Kollmann J., Bakker J. P., Domenech R., Prach K., Prieur-Richard A. H., Veeneklaas R. M., Pyšek P., del Moral R., Hobbs R. J., Collins S. L., Pickett S. T. A., & Reich P. B. 2005. Vegetation Change: A Reunifying Concept in Plant Ecology. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 7: 69-76.

  • Koutecký P. & Prach K. 2005. Recovery of alluvial meadows after an extreme summer flood: a case study. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 5: 33-39.


  • Jonášová M. & Prach K. 2004. Central-European mountain spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) forest: regeneration of tree species after a bark beetle outbreak. Ecological Engineering 23: 15-27.

  • Prach K. 2004. Preface: Studies on ecological succession contribute to ecological theory and provide a basis for ecological restoration. In: Kovář P. (ed.), Natural recovery of human-made deposits in landscape (biotic interactions and ore/ash-slag artificial ecosystems), pp. 11-13. Academia, Praha. (vyšlo poč. r. 2005)

  • Prach K. 2004. Using spontaneous vegetation succession in restoration of limestone quarries in the Bohemian Karst. In: Annonymus (eds.): Limestone quarring and sustainable development, Proceedings from the workshop, Beroun, April 15-18, 2003, pp. 23-26. Správa CHKO Český kras.


  • Child L. E., Brock J. H., Brundu G., Prach K., Pyšek P., Wade P. M. & Williamson M. (eds.) 2003. Plant invasions: Ecological threats and management solution, Backhuis Publ., Leiden.

  • Hodačová D. & Prach K. 2003. Spoil heaps from brown coal mining: technical reclamation vs. spontaneous re-vegetation. Restoration Ecology 11: 385-391.

  • Matějková I., van Diggelen R. & Prach K. 2003. An attempt to restore a Czech species-rich mountain grassland through grazing. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 161-168.

  • Novák J. & Prach K. 2003. Vegetation succession in basalt quarries: pattern over a landscape scale. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 111-116.

  • Prach K. 2003. Spontaneous vegetation succession in central European man-made habitats: what information can be used in restoration practice? Applied Vegetation Science 6:125-129.


  • Prach K., Bartha S., Joyce CH. B., Pyšek P., van Diggelen R. & Wiegleb G. 2001. The role of spontaneous vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration: A perspective. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 111-114.

  • Prach K. & Pyšek  P. 2001. Using spontaneous succession for restoration of human-disturbed habitats: Experience from Central Europe. Ecological Engineering 17: 55-62.

  • Prach K., Pyšek P. & Bastl M. 2001. Spontaneous vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats: A pattern across seres. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 83-88.

  • Pyšek P., Prach K., Mullerová J. & Joyce C. 2001. The role of vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration: Introduction. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 3-4.


  • Horn P. & Bastl M. 2000. Successional changes of vegetation at the "Multerberské rašeliniště" peat bog in the Šumava Mts during the last 50 years. Příroda 17: 109-118.

  • Prach K., Joyce Ch. B. & Straškrabová J. 1999. Case study 13 - The Lužnice River Floodplain, Czech Republic. In: Benstead P. et al. (eds.): European wet grasslands. Guidlines for management and restoration. RSPB, Sandy, UK.

  • Prach K. & Pyšek P. 1999.  How do species dominating in succession differ from the others? Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 383-392.

  • Prach K., Pyšek P. & Šmilauer P. 1999. Prediction of vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats using an expert system. Restoration Ecology 7: 15-23.

  • Prach K., Pyšek P. & Šmilauer P. 1997. Changes in species traits during succession: a search for pattern. Oikos 79: 201-205.

  • Prach K. 1996. Degradation and restoration of wet and moist meadows in the Czech Republic: general trends and case studies. Acta Botanica Gallica 143: 441-449.

  • Prach K., Jeník J. & Large A. R. G. (eds.) 1996. Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe. 285 pp., ed. SPB Academic Publ., Amsterdam.

  • Prach K., Hadinec J., Michálek J. & Pyšek P. 1995. Forest planing as a way of species dispersal.  Forest Ecology and Management 76: 191-195.

  • Prach K. 1994. Succession of woody species in derelict sites in Central Europe. Ecological Engineering 3: 49-56.

  • Prach K. & Pyšek P. 1994. Spontaneous establishment of woody plants in central European derelict sites and their potential for reclamation. Restoration Ecology, 2: 190-197.

  • Prach K. 1993. Vegetational changes in a wet meadow complex, South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Folia Geobotanica Phytotaxonomica 28: 1-13.

  • Prach K., Pyšek P. & Šmilauer P. 1993. On the rate of succession. Oikos 66: 343-346.

  • Osbornová J., Kovářová M., Lepš J. & Prach K. (eds.) 1989. Succession in abandoned fields. Studies in Central Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. 168 p., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht etc.

  • Prach K. 1989. Primary forest succession in sand dune areas. The Veluwe, Central Netherlands.  117 p., Research Institute for Forestry and Ladscape Planning, Wageningen.

  • Prach K. 1987. Succession of vegetation on dumps from strip coal mining, N. W. Bohemia, Czechoslovakia.  Folia Geobotanica Phytotaxonomica 22: 339-354.