Peat Bogs

Mnoho rašelinišť bylo narušeno nebo zcela zničeno odvodňováním a následnou těžbou rašeliny, zalesňováním a zemědělskými aktivitami.

Change of the water regime by creation of a system of drains and subsequent drainage is the most fundamental human intervention in the peat bog ecosystem. The issue of restoration of the drained and mined peatland is addressed in studies conducetd by Petra Konvalinková, Marek Bastl and Karel Prach (see Scientific Publications: Bastl et al. 2009, Konvalinková, Prach 2010).

Currently, Lída Vlková is leading research on extracted and restored peatbog Soumarský Most within her Master thesis.

Illecebrum verticillatum: mined peatbogs as a substitute biotopeForestry-driven reclamation of a peat bogNature trail on a revitalized peat bogRevitalized peat bog Soumarský mostPeat bog mined to the very mineral substrate - heavily drained localityPeat bog Branná, a locality mined using heavy machinery.Raising the water level by damming the drainage channel is crucial.